Conceived, Written, and Performed by / Concebida, escrita y actuada por Migguel Anggelo
Music and Lyrics by / Música y letras de Migguel Anggelo and Jaime Lozano
Musical Direction and Arrangements by / Dirección musical y Arreglos de Jaime Lozano
Directed, Choreographed, and Developed by / Dirección, Coreografía y Desarrollo de Avihai Haham
A co-presentation by / Una co-presentación de Washington Performing Arts and GALA Hispanic Theatre
April 1, 2022 / Abril 1, 2022

Created by multidisciplinary, Venezuelan American artist Migguel Anggelo, English with an Accent is a new, hybrid work of dance and theater, narrated in a storytelling song-cycle and backed by a company of ten dancers. The story is a semi-autobiographical fable that follows the journey of a newly arrived caterpillar in New York City. Fleeing the crime and noxious dictatorship of Venezuela, and unsure of which direction his insect life is taking, he wonders how to honor his potential as a caterpillar-when so many others assume he is just a lowly worm. As the caterpillar explores the streets of New York City, he begins to question his own identity as well as the promise of the “American Dream.” The work reflects Anggelo’s ongoing exploration of the intersections of queer, Latino, and immigrant identities, as well as the role of the artist in contemporary society.
Creada por el artista multidisplinario venezolano-americano Migguel Anggelo, Inglés con acento es una nueva pieza híbrida de danza y teatro, narrada musicalmente y con 10 bailarines en escena. Es una fábula semi-autobiográfica sobre el camino recorrido por una oruga recién llegada a la ciudad de Nueva York tras huir de la galopante delincuencia y la dictadura de Venezuela. Inseguro del rumbo que toma su vida, el protagonista de la historia se pregunta cómo honrar su potencial como una oruga cuando muchos asumen que es solo un gusano. Al tiempo que la oruga explora las calles de Nueva York, comienza a cuestionar su propia identidad y la promesa del “sueño americano”. La pieza refleja la constante exploración de Anggelo sobre la intersección de las identidades gay, latina e inmigrante, y el rol del artista en la sociedad contemporánea.
Tickets: $40 - General Admission.
Boletos: $40 - Admisión general.