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REVOLTOSA (The Troublemaker) - Variaciones de la zarzuela de 1897 para el hoy

Foto del escritor: GALA Hispanic TheatreGALA Hispanic Theatre

Actualizado: 27 abr 2023

Composed by | Compuesta por Ruperto Chapí

Based on the text by | A partir del libreto de J. López Silva and C. Fernández Shaw

Adapted by | Adaptada por Paco Gámez (Spain)

Directed by | Dirigida por José Luis Arellano

Music Direction by | Dirección musical de David Peralto

September 8 - October 2, 2022 | 8 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2022

Performances: Thursdays – Saturdays 8 pm, Sundays 2 pm | Funciones: Jueves a sábados 8 pm, domingos 2 pm

In Spanish with English surtitles | En español con sobretítulos en inglés

$35 Regular Price Tickets for Sept 29, Sept 30 & Oct 1 with code LAST35; OR

20% OFF all tickets through Oct 2 with code HHM

Revoltosa is at its heart a story about an outspoken woman who upturns traditions with her neighbors and delights in exposing social hypocrisies. This entertaining zarzuela, the most performed in Madrid, reveals the different perspectives of men and women in relationships at different stages of love —married couples who have stopped loving and young lovers exploring their first flirtation. Brimming with secret jealousies and desires, the zarzuela Revoltosa is so popular, so Spanish… and yet so universal. With its unforgettable music, hearts will burst in joyful celebration.

The ensemble features guest artists mezzo-soprano Laura Virella (Mari Pepa) and Joselu López (Felipe), who are making their GALA debut; baritone Alex Alburqueque (Candelas), also making his GALA debut; and GALA company members mezzo-soprano Anamer Castrello (Manuela) and Luz Nicolás (Gorgonia), a Helen Hayes Award nominee. Other ensemble members include Camila Taleisnik (Encarna), Christian Laguna (Tiberio), Fran Tapia (Soledad), and Luis Armando Benitez (Cándido), who all appeared in GALA’s hit On Your Feet! En español; and Santiago Alfonzo Meza (Atenedoro), who is making his first appearance at GALA.

La revoltosa es una historia sencilla sobre hombres y mujeres, sobre dos formas de ver el mundo, sobre matrimonios que parecen haber dejado de amarse o jóvenes que inician el flirteo pletóricos de vida... también sobre celos y deseos inconfesables. Y de fondo, algo tan popular, tan español y a la vez tan universal, como es la verbena. A ritmo de inolvidable música, en esta zarzuela los corazones de todos se van abriendo hasta encontrarse con un final feliz.

Student Matinees: For more information, click here.

Matinés estudiantiles: Para mayor información, presiona aquí.

Noche de GALA and Press Night (Noche de prensa): Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 8 pm / Sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022, a las 8 pm.

Tickets: $48 Thursdays - Sundays; $35 Seniors (65+), Military, and Groups (10+); $25 25 and Under; Noche de GALA: $55 (per person). To purchase tickets online for groups (10+), use code 10Plus.

Boletos: $48 de jueves a domingo; $35 adultos mayores, militares y grupos (10+); $25 personas de 25 años o menos; Noche de GALA: $55 (por persona). Para adquirir boletos online para grupos (10+), usa el código 10Plus.



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(los emails son respondidos de lunes a viernes, 10 am-5 pm)

(los emails son respondidos de jueves a sábado 7 pm-10 pm, y domingos 1 pm-4 pm)


GALA Theatre
3333 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010

GALA Hispanic Theatre

2437 15th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20009

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