And how do you live with this anger
that makes its own decisions?
How do you talk to it?
let it know that it is surrounded
that the police chief wants to
start negotiations and kick you in
the ass at the same time.
How do you convince this particular
anger to smile?
- Quique Avilés, 1991
As a diverse group of Latin American artists and theater of color, GALA stands against this country’s systemic racism, white supremacy, police brutality, and historic inequalities in education, health care, housing, and job opportunities. We believe that Black Lives Matter and our hearts go out to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless others who have been the victims of hate crimes, racial profiling, and police brutality.
Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, but in this un-United States of Amnesia, the perpetrators of hate go free and all is forgotten until it happens again. We must continue to work for social justice and to hold these criminals responsible.
The current pandemic has highlighted the social inequities that exist in this country because of systemic racism-- Blacks and Latinos continue to die at a much higher rate than the White population. We must join together to protest these inequities and work to effect the change we envision for a more just and equitable world.
But words are not enough…. Please take action with us now. Even though money is not the most important thing, supporting a cause you believe in is a good beginning. Please donate to one of these groups:
Black Lives Matter DC- Sends aid to those protesting in DC.
National Lawyers Guild- Provides legal support to protesters.
NAACP- Advocates to ensure protection to Black lives (We Are Done Dying campaign).
Thank you!