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Foto del escritor: GALA Hispanic TheatreGALA Hispanic Theatre

Actualizado: 17 jun 2024

By composer | Del compositor Brian Arreola

Libretto by | Libreto de Anna Deeny Morales

Directed by | Dirigida por Corinne Hayes

June 21 - 23, 2024 | 21 al 23 de junio de 2024

Performances: Friday and Saturday at 8 pm, Sunday at 2 pm | Funciones: Viernes y sábado a las 8 pm, domingo a las 2 pm

GET 20% OFF through June 16. Use code FAMILY

20% DE DESCUENTO hasta el 16 de junio. Usa el código FAMILY

This chamber opera in five cuts delves into the moving story of Natividad Zavala-Zavala, a Honduran woman torn apart from her seven-year-old grandson after their treacherous crossing of the Río Grande in 2017. Experience her heart-wrenching journey as the riveting narrative unfolds and explores the fragility of judicial systems in the face of the Zero Tolerance directive.

Esta ópera de cámara en cinco partes narra la historia de Natividad Zavala-Zavala, una inmigrante hondureña separada de su nieto de 7 años de edad tras cruzar el traicionero Río Grande en el 2017. Sé testigo de este conmovedor recorrido, al tiempo que la pieza analiza la fragilidad del sistema judicial americano de cara a la Ley de Cero Tolerancia.


June 21: Talk-back with

  • Anna Deeny Morales, Librettist and CLAS Fellow in the Humanities, Georgetown University (moderator).

  • Joseph Eldridge, Senior Fellow at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).

  • Brian Arreola, Composer.

June 22: Talk-back with

  • Anna Deeny Morales, Librettist and CLAS Fellow in the Humanities, Georgetown University (moderator).

  • Sergio García, Assistant Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Texas, El Paso.

  • Amy Morales, Multidisciplinary Artist and Political Advocacy Manager at Engage Miami.

  • Katharine Donato, Donald G. Herzberg Professor of International Migration, Georgetown University.

June 23: Talk-back with

  • Anna Deeny Morales, Librettist and CLAS Fellow in the Humanities, Georgetown University (moderator).

  • Gabriela Brito, Staff Attorney, Special Programs and Family Separation, Kids in Need of Defense.

  • Genevieve Augustin, Director of Legal Services at CARECEN DC.

Tickets | Boletos: $30 - General Admission | Admisión General.

This program is made possible with a generous grant from the Ford Foundation.



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Oficina: 202-234-7174
Educación: 202-750-0610

Fax: 202-332-1247


(los emails son respondidos de lunes a viernes, 10 am-5 pm)

(los emails son respondidos de jueves a sábado 7 pm-10 pm, y domingos 1 pm-4 pm)


GALA Theatre
3333 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010

GALA Hispanic Theatre

2437 15th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20009

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© 2020 by GALA Hispanic Theatre.

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